Time is really flying toward the launch of my new novel Naïda and my blood pressure’s probably flying high too, as I scramble to get everything done.

Because of the pandemic, it’s going to be a virtual launch—online only—hosted by my friend and fellow author Mark Leslie (I narrate the audiobook editions of his A Canadian Werewolf in New York fiction series). But all are welcome. It’ll be short and sweet: 30 - 45 minutes during which I’ll give a reading from Naïda and Mark will field questions from the audience. We’ll also be giving away some copies of the book to those in attendance. Afterward, the link will remain available, so if you can’t attend “live” you can still catch it later. Here are the links to join in:

LIVE BROADCAST INFORMATION                                                            



(via Scott Overton’s Author Page: )

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Meanwhile the ebook editions are available to pre-order from many online retailers, and the print edition is becoming available to order, store by store though Amazon’s print edition is still in limbo because of a (so-far 3-week-old) technical problem. Seriously, Amazon?

I sure hope you’ll seek out the book. Of course you can read a free sample chapter, and it will become available in my bookstore on launch day June 1st. I also hope you’ll love it, and it would be a huge help if you would post a review wherever you buy the book or in your online book clubs like Goodreads.

Wish me luck!


I’m pretty excited about my newest novel release Naïda. It’s now available for pre-order in e-book format from many retailers, with a launch/sale date of June 1, 2021. Print editions should be available to order soon through bookstores, though a technical problem at Amazon has been holding up the print process there for 2 weeks now (seriously—I am not impressed!)

I’ll be doing a virtual launch on June 1st (thanks to Covid) so keep checking this space for the details on that.

You can read a sample chapter here on my website, and I think you’ll really like it.

Naïda is the story of Michael Hart, a scuba diver who discovers an ancient alien artifact at the bottom of a lake, and Sakiko Matthews, an ocean researcher fighting against the acidification of Earth’s seas. But it’s also the story of the alien organism Michael encounters, which makes the novel part adventure, part First Contact story, and even part coming-of-age story. As with all of my writing, I wanted to tell a great story, but also explore some big issues.

For example, if you discovered an undeniably alien artifact and then found that it was still active, what would you do? Who would you tell about it—who would you trust to tell about it? Police? An environmental agency? Who would you go to? I’m not a conspiracy theory fan but, honestly, aren’t we all pretty sure that if we told a military organization about such a find they would wrap it in absolute secrecy (possibly ensuring our own silence in some fashion I’d rather not think about) and try to weaponize it? So, say you tried to share the news on the internet instead to make sure it couldn’t be kept hidden. Or went to some big media outlet. Who would believe you? The number of wackos online is endless—you’d be lumped in with them (except, probably by the military or other covert agencies who would be the first to track you down and proceed as above. That’s not paranoia, that’s just reality.)

Big Question #2: Although Naïda isn’t quite a superhero origin story, there are similarities. Now, superheroes keep their true identities secret so they and their loved ones won’t be attacked by supervillains. But consider a more “real life” scenario of someone suddenly acquiring extraordinary abilities beyond the human norm. Supervillains wouldn’t be my worry—it would be the certainty that, once my condition was revealed, I’d be facing a life as a human lab rat. Whatever powerful organization could get to me first would devote their efforts to learning how I got those abilities, how they work (and how to defend against them) and, most of all, how to make more of me to satisfy any number of possible uses (with spying and fighting likely being at the top of the list).

Tell me I’m wrong.

And I haven’t even touched on how either of the above scenarios would affect a person’s relationships for the rest of their life.

But Naïda the novel does. And lots more. So give the sample chapter a read, and order your own copy. Oh, yeah, and then try to decide whether you envy Michael Hart. Or pity him.


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Creating a novel has its highs and lows. Realizing you’ve got an exciting story concept is one of the highs. Remembering how much work is ahead of you is one of the lows!

Once you reach the point of publishing the novel, it’s a mix of the two: you’re excited about the prospect of people meeting your new baby, and you’re also afraid that it won’t find the audience it deserves.

For now, let’s focus on one of the happy parts: announcing the pending arrival and showing off those first adorable photos to the world at large.

OK, enough of the baby metaphors.

I’m thrilled to announce that my newest novel Naïda is written, revised, polished, edited, and ready to launch. And here’s your very first look at the eye-catching cover. I had no idea how my cover artist was going to come up with a visual analog of the story’s concept, but I think he’s knocked one out of the park. I hope you love it too.

Naïda begins as the story of Michael Hart, who discovers a strange structure at the bottom of an isolated northern lake and knows it’s definitely not of this Earth. But he can’t stay away. And that choice will change his life completely, and forever.

As the book blurb says,

It will make him a hero. Or the greatest traitor the world has ever known.

Because he is no longer alone, not even in his own body.

There is another.


The novel is an earnest attempt to explore the trauma of a First Contact, the question of what it means to be human, and to predict one possible future for humanity beyond our home planet. But at the same time, it offers the pure fun of a superhero origin story. I think you’ll fall in love with its cast of characters and get a big kick out of going along for the ride.

Publication date is set for June 1, 2021, barring unexpected delays, and I’ll update this post once the book is available for pre-order. Expect a great price promotion and giveaways too!

So keep watching this space and get ready to meet…Naïda.